Rats and Rodents
Rodents are different from a number of other pest problems. Rodents are larger than most bugs, and they tend to eat a lot more as well. They also carry a number of different viruses and diseases that many insects don’t carry, including some that are particularly dangerous and even deadly. Rodents are also one of the most damaging pests you can have in your home.
Common types of Rodents in the Las Vegas Valley
House mice: small mice that generally grow to about seven and a half inches in length at the absolute most. They have lighter brown fur on their underbelly in addition to gray fur on most of their bodies.
Norway rats: Contrary to their name, Norway rats are not Norwegian. In fact, they’re far more American than most other types of rats, as they’re the most common type of rat found in the country. They can grow up to 17 inches in length and dense bodies with gray and black hair.
Roof rats: Roof rats are generally slightly smaller than Norway rats, and have dark brown to black fur. They generally only grow to about 16 inches in length, and they are superb climbers that often like to enter buildings from upper levels like the roof.